Right from the beginning Boomaroo Nurseries has based the success of the company on the success of the community. As a business built on family values, giving back to the community is an important part of who Boomaroo is. While Boomaroo has grown to be one of the largest wholesale vegetable seedling and Greenlife producers in Australia, it is still important for the business to be involved with the people at a grass roots level, supporting the local community.
Over the years, Boomaroo has made significant contributions to the close-knit communities of Lara and nearby Geelong through organisations such as the Feed the Needy Charity, the Skyline Education Foundation and also provides support to local kindergarten facilities and nursing homes.
Today we sponsor the national ‘AUSVEG Productivity and Innovation Award’ and the ‘AUSVEG National Women in Horticulture Award’.
As well as sponsorship, Boomaroo is a strong advocate for supporting women in horticulture. To support the contributions of women in the vegetable industry in Victoria, Boomaroo and AUSVEG Victoria came together to deliver an exciting event, ‘Women in Horticulture’. To learn more you can read our news article, ‘Supporting women in horticulture’.