What a month it was to see the horticultural community come together at two major industry events this June. The Lockyer Valley Growers Expo and Hort Connections 2021 shone a spotlight on South East Queensland and presented a long overdue opportunity for growers, supply chain partners and the industry at large to reconnect after what has been a disruptive and distanced 18 months. Boomaroo was again proud to be an active supporter of these two significant events on the horticulture calendar.
At the Lockyer Valley Growers Expo, for which Boomaroo was a silver sponsor, it was great to see so many attendees together in person walking the seed company trials and catching up on the latest product developments and innovations.
The open-air event, as well as the incredible weather, provided Boomaroo the perfect opportunity to present a broad cross section of our product range, both existing and new. We saw strong interest in our expanded range of tomato, capsicum, chilli, melon, and pumpkin lines in addition to our organics offering and core leafy vegetable and brassica crops.
With many attendees congregating at the Boomaroo field stand, we obtained valuable insights from growers on their 2022 outlook as well as how we can best support their upcoming Summer program growing requirements. Thank you to all who spent time with our team.

The momentum from the Lockyer Valley Growers Expo flowed directly into AUSVEG / PMA’s Hort Connections, which immediately followed in Brisbane. This presented another great opportunity for growers and industry partners to network with the local and interstate growing community. Boomaroo was delighted to see so many familiar faces at our annual Grower Dinner, with whom we shared a relaxing, informal night packed with good food and good conversation.
Acknowledging the recent challenges that continue to face us all, Boomaroo was also proud to sponsor the speaker session ‘Mental Fitness: for Peak Performance & Burnout Prevention in 2021’, with Adele Spurgin reminding us that our mental health and preparedness should be our number one priority.
Hort Connections culminated at the Gala Dinner, recognising excellence and leadership in our industry, and we were again honoured to present the Boomaroo Nurseries Women in Horticulture Award. This year the award went to Catherine Velisha of Velisha Farms – a very well-deserving recipient whose contributions to the industry include farm safety programs, education programs for farm workers and online programs teaching school children about the origins of their food. Well done Catherine!

Energised by these two events, and by the exciting additions to our product range; strong Winter and Spring programs; and excellent seedling quality, the Boomaroo team is primed to deliver bumper Summer programs to our customers.
Both our Southbrook and Lara teams are gearing up for more nursery and field trials off the back of the Lockyer Valley Growers Expo, and working closely with growers to tailor our product offering and services to meet their individual growing requirements.
Excited by what you saw at the Lockyer Valley Growers Expo and Hort Connections? Get in touch with your local Boomaroo Territory Manager to discuss how we can help with all your upcoming seedling needs.