

  • Autumn/early winter harvest
  • Retains good colour under cool weather conditions
  • Excellent head weight and good dome shape

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The information provided is based on an average of data and observations collected from our trials. Significant variations may occur in the performance due to a range of conditions including cultural/management practices, climate, soil type and geographic location. As a consequence South Pacific Seeds cannot accept any liability as to the accuracy of this information. ACN 002 887 256

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South Pacific Seeds

Established in 1986 having been founded by a group of former Yates Seeds employees. From the outset, the company sought to specialise in servicing the Australian vegetable seed market as well as producing seed on a contract multiplication basis for a wide range of overseas seed companies.

SPS achieved early rapid growth in both of its core business units. This came about by servicing the domestic market needs with varieties adapted for the local conditions supported by an ongoing extensive trialing program. At the same time, SPS extended its range of production crops grown and areas to cater for an increasing worldwide demand for quality seed production.

Following on from the success of the company’s Australian business, it was decided to apply the same business model in New Zealand. SPS established a new Seed Production company in 1993 and then a new Sales Distribution company in 1997.

South Pacific Seeds is now a leading world producer of a broad range of vegetable seed, spanning over four countries including New Zealand, USA and Chile.

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