Fennel TAURO

Fennel TAURO



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No Resistance data added.


The product descriptions, technical data and disease resistance ratings provided are intended for reference only. This information and any other verbal or oral information represent average results from specific trials and are not a prediction or promise of future performance. Seed and crop performance and disease severity will vary depending on the location, climate, soil type, soil conditions, cultural and management practices and other environmental factors. New, unknown, and/or atypical strains of pathogens may exist for which the varieties have not been tested and which may overcome the resistance of the variety. Accordingly, HMCP warrants that a representative sample of seeds sold was tested and labeled at the time of initial packaging, and, at the time of such testing, conformed to the label within recognized tolerances. HMCP makes NO other warranty of any kind. The sale and use of seeds are subject to the terms and conditions of sale appearing on catalogues and price lists – © 2018 HM.CLAUSE

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HM. Clause Pacific

We are global. We are local. We are HM.CLAUSE.

We specialize in the breeding, production, and sales of vegetable seeds. From the world market to the farmer’s market, we collaborate with our customers to deliver successful solutions for the agricultural challenges of today, and produce the highest quality seeds for the future. Our global team of experts and state-of-the-art research facilities enable us to work side-by-side with growers to provide the most regionally relevant and reliable vegetable seeds available.

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