BrassicaJombok has good bolting tolerance. 70 days to maturity.
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Lefroy Valley carries out trialling throughout Australia/New Zealand prior to releasing varieties into the market place. We strongly recommend that all varieties be trialed under your growing conditions prior to commercial sowings taking place. For details of up-to-date technical information & trial results in your area please contact Lefroy Valley. This information is valid at the date of publication. All cultural and descriptive information is supplied in good faith
as a guide only. Varietal performance is influenced by many variables, namely climatic, soil conditions, cultural and management practices. No liability will be accepted by Lefroy Valley or its representatives as to final performance based on this information.
Lefroy Valley

Lefroy Valley started in 1984 as a family business which has grown into an exciting and established horticultural seed company. It brings together a tight knit, committed and knowledgeable team, and continues to grow from strength to strength.
Lefroy Valley employs staff who are passionate about horticulture and its future. The Growing Solutions we offer to our customers are practical and are based on experience, honesty and professionalism.
These qualities flow over into an immense pride for the attitude and strength we display as a company, and for the enormous respect we have for each other and our customers. Most of all, Lefroy Valley staff enjoy their work and are proud of the quality of product, and service, they can offer to you, the Australian grower.
Lefroy Valley represents the cream of the world’s vegetable seed breeding companies including Pop Vriend, Gautier, Snowy River Seeds and Dolphin Seeds.
Our close relationship with these companies allows us to ensure that the best potential varieties for Australian conditions are screened from their breeding programs and released into the commercial market.
Lefroy Valley is an active member of the Australian Seed Federation and is certified to be in accordance with the requirements of the ASF Code of Practice for Seed Labeling and Marketing. A rigorous trialing and selection procedure in all major production areas, managed through our in house database “TRIALITY”, ensures that only the best varieties make it through to the commercial stage.
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